PyCOMPSs Workflow

PyCOMPSs is a task-based programming model which allow to define parallel workflows as simple sequential python scripts. To implement a PyCOMPSs application, developers has to identify what parts of an application are the candidates to be a task. They are usually python methods with a certain computation granularity (larger than hundred milisecons) that can potentially run concurrently with other parts of the application. Those methods have to be annotated with the @task decorator to indicate the directionality of they parameters.

Code 1 shows how to program a PyCOMPSs workflow for counting the words in a folder. It can be found in the application repository. The code is similar to what a developer will write in a sequential python code. Two methods are defined in the application: the wordcount to count the words of a file; and the merge_dicts to merge the results of the separate wordcount tasks. On top of these methods, we have added the @task decorator to convert it to a PyCOMPSs task, indicating the directionality of the parameters and returns. Based on these annotations, the COMPSs runtime will detect that all wordcount invocations are independent and the merge_dicts ones will depend to the wordcount task of the same iteration and the merge_dicts of the previous one.

Code 1 PyCOMPSs wordcount example
@task(file_path=FILE_IN, returns=dict)
def wordCount(file_path):
    """ Construct a frequency word dictorionary from a list of words.
    :file_path: file to count words
    :return: a dictionary where key=word and value=#appearances
    partialResult = {}
    with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            data = line.split()
            for entry in data:
                if entry in partialResult:
                    partialResult[entry] += 1
                    partialResult[entry] = 1
    return partialResult

@task(returns=dict, priority=True)
def merge_dicts(dic1, dic2):
    """ Update a dictionary with another dictionary.
    :param dic1: first dictionary
    :param dic2: second dictionary
    :return: dic1+=dic2
    for k in dic2:
        if k in dic1:
            dic1[k] += dic2[k]
            dic1[k] = dic2[k]
    return dic1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on

    # Get the dataset path
    pathDataset = sys.argv[1]

    # Read file's content execute a wordcount on each of them
    partialResult = []
    for fileName in os.listdir(pathDataset):
        path = os.path.join(pathDataset, fileName))

    # Accumulate the partial results to get the final result.
    result = {}
    for partial in partialResult:
        result = merge_dicts(result, partial)

    # Synchronize remote result
    result = compss_wait_on(result)

    # Print the results and elapsed time
    print("Word appearances:")
    from pprint import pprint

A part from python methods, developers can integrate executions of other software in PyCOMPSs workflows by means of the @software decorator described in the Software invocation description section.