Software Invocation Description

The idea behind the ‘Software’ invocation description is to define a common way in which multiple software components can be integrated in single workflow. The definition is composed of a decorator and a configuration file with the necessary parameters of the workflow.

Software decorator

@software decorator is used to indicate that a certain Python function represents the invocation of and external HPC or DA programs in a single workflow. When a function with the @software decorator is called, an (external) program is executed keeping the configuration defined in its configuration file untouched. The goal of this decorator is to support the execution of external programs in a workflow, from simple binary executable to complex MPI applications.

Configuration File

Configuration files can contain different key-values depending on the user’s needs. We use JSON format for the configuration files and the next table provides details of some of the supported keys:




(Mandatory) Contains all the software execution details such as “type”, “binary”, “args”, etc..


(Mandatory) Type of the software invocation. Supported values are ‘task’, ‘workflow’, ‘mpi’, ‘binary’, ‘mpmd_mpi’, ‘multinode’, ‘http’, and ‘compss’.


A dictionary containing task parameters.


A dictionary containing prolog parameters.


A dictionary containing epilog parameters.


Parameters regarding constraints of the software execution.


Container parameters if the external software is meant to be executed inside a container.

Details of the configuration of the software execution can be defined in the value of the “execution” key. There the user can define the “type” of the execution and other necessary configuration parameters the software requires.


As an example, the following code snippets show how an MPI application execution can be defined using the @software decorator. Users only have to add the software decorator on top of the function, and provide a ‘config_file’ parameter where the configuration details are defined:

from import software
from pycompss.api.task import task

def mpi_execution():

def main():

And inside the configuration file the type of execution (mpi), and its properties are set. For example, if the user wants to run an MPI job with eight processes using ‘mpirun’ command, the configuration file (“mpi_config.json” in this example) should look like as follows:

  "execution" : {
    "runner": "mpirun",
    "processes": 8,

It is also possible to refer to task parameters and environment variables from the configuration file. Properties such as working_dir and args (‘args’ strings are command line arguments to be passed to the ‘binary’) can contain this type of references. In this case, the task parameters should be surrounded by curly braces. For example, in the following example, ‘work_dir’ and ‘param_d’ parameters of the Python task are used in the ‘working_dir’ and ‘args’ strings respectively. And the number of MPI processes are obtained from the environment variable “MPI_PROCS”. Moreover, epilog and prolog definitions, as well as the number of computing units is added as a constraint, to indicate that every MPI process will have this requirement (run with 2 threads):

Task definition and invocation:

from import software
from pycompss.api.task import task

def mpi_with_args(work_dir, param_d, out_tgz):

def main():
working_dir = "/tmp/mpi_working_dir/"
arg_value = 1001
mpi_with_args(working_dir, ar_value, "output.tgz")

Configuration file (“mpi_w_args.json”):

  "execution" : {
    "runner": "mpirun",
    "processes" : "$MPI_PROCS",
    "working_dir": "{{work_dir}}",
    "args": "-d {{param_d}}"
  "parameters" : {
    "param_d": "IN",
    "work_dir": "DIRECTORY_OUT",
    "out_tgz": "FILE_OUT"
  "prolog": {
    "binary": "mkdir",
    "args": "{{work_dir}}"
  "epilog": {
    "args":"zcvf {{out_tgz}} {{work_dir}}"
    "computing_units": 2


Another example can be when the external program is expected to run within a container. For that, the user can add the container configuration to the JSON file by specifying its ‘engine’ and the ‘image’. At the time of execution, the Runtime will execute the given program within the container. For example, in order to run a simple ‘grep’ command that searches for a pattern (e.g. an ‘error’ ) in the input directory recursively within a Docker container, the task definition and the configuration file should be similar to the examples below:

Task definition:

from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN
from import software
from pycompss.api.task import task

def task_container(in_directory, expression):

def main():
   task_container('/tmp/my_logs/', 'Error')

Configuration file (“container_config.json”):

  "execution" : {
    "binary": "grep",
    "args": "{{expression}} {{in_directory}} -ir"
    "in_directory": "DIRECTORY_IN",
    "expression": "IN"
    "engine": "DOCKER",
    "image": "ubuntu:20.04"

For more detailed information about the @software decorator of PyCOMPSs please see the documentation.